Every movement we make is an incredible coordination of contractions and expansions. The more contracted the more strength but less movement, and conversely the less contracted the more movement but less stability. Unless attention is brought to the process, this is all pretty much done unconsciously. Moving unconsciously can work in perfect scenarios, but that is not always the case. Imbalances occur when some connections are working too hard, and others are not working enough. Depending on how extreme the imbalances are and how much they are pushed, they can eventually lead to injury. The trick is to steadily hold onto core connections, but only to the degree that’s needed, never completely letting go or strangling them.
Unless we’re completely resting lying down, we’re supporting ourselves in some way against gravity. Ideally like a good soldier, we need to be ready to act at any moment, while also conserving our energy by resting whenever possible. I refer to this as staying engaged. Staying engaged keeps us continually supported without leaning or slouching into ourselves and allows us to quickly move with integrity. Staying engaged all the time takes a bit of practice, and is not just a physical practice, it is very much a mental one too, as initially it takes a lot of focused attention.
Am I engaged right now? How am I sitting, standing or moving? Am I collapsing into myself or gripping anything, or am I actively supporting myself? These are all questions that can be asked throughout the day. Staying steadily engaged by the minimal degree needed allows us to utilize core connections by moving through them, and this opens up a whole new world of agility and refinement.
* Information posted is opinion and should not be construed as an attempt to offer medical advice or treatment. If you have any kind of medical condition, consult your medical practitioner. Making any decisions or acting upon any information posted is at your own risk.