GYROTONIC® Trainer Marinaccio Technique Instructor Mind Body Studies Practitioner
25-50 MIN
Private & Group GYROTONIC® Method Sessions & Classes
25-50 MIN
Private & Group Guided Movement Lessons & Classes
25-115 MIN
Private & Group Marinaccio Technique Lessons & Classes
Unless stated otherwise all sessions, lessons and classes are available both in person and online.
To make the most of our time together payments and donations for regularly scheduled classes should be made before or after class times.
Expected schedule changes can be found here.
Purchased sessions, lessons and classes are not refundable, but do not expire and are subject to future location and availability. It is recommended they are used within 60 days of purchase.
Donations of any amount are appreciated for group online classes.

Join us for our weekly GYROTONIC® Homework Series on Zoom!
* This class is available to Gyrotonic clients only.
Work on Gyrotonic basic principles and build core strength. The series is set with a few variations, and all actions are called out. Exercises are on a stool, the floor, and standing.
MON & THUR 7:00PM PST - 25 min

Join us for our weekly MT Core Conditioning at Inspire or on Zoom!
Find new strength and improve how you move with a Core Conditioning class based on a Gene Marinaccio ballet warm-up that includes a few extra twists. This class is available to all and does not require a dance background. The routine is set with a few variations, and all actions are called out. Exercises start on the floor and end standing with and without a support.
TUES 7:00PM PST - 1 hr 15 min
As Scheduled

Join us for our impromptu Guided Movement on Zoom!
Discover new ways to subtly move and stop unwanted habitual patterns with a Guided Movement lesson based on the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais. These exploratory exercises bring to light core connections and give you the opportunity to release unconsciously held tensions. Lessons are performed on the floor, with a chair or standing.
For any combination of Guided Movement, GYROTONIC® Method, or Marinaccio Technique instruction:
1 Private 50 min Session or Lesson: $88
5 Private 50 min Sessions or Lessons: $417
1st 3 Private 50 min Sessions or Lessons: $241
Every Tuesday 7:00PM PST
Group 1 hr 15 min Class
In Studio: $ 25
Online: $ --
Inspire Dance Studio
457 Foothill Blvd, La Cañada* 6 Student Minimum
Group 1 hr 55 min Class