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Discover new ways to subtly move and bring in the awareness to stop unwanted habitual patterns with lessons based on the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais. These subtle exploratory movements focus on how movement is performed and brings to light both unconsciously held tensions and core connections within your body.
Private Guided Movement lessons are customized to your needs and use a combination of both verbal and hands on guidance. Group Movement classes are primarily verbal. Lessons are performed on the floor, with a chair or standing.

Develop coordination, balance, efficiency, strength, and flexibility with full range movement through core connections without compression using the Gyrotonic Method created by Juliu Horvath. Gyrotonic exercises are carefully crafted and flow from one movement to the next using custom designed Gyrotonic equipment that provide additional resistance, feedback and support.
Exercise progressions start with simpler movements and work up to more challenging ones. Sessions are private and use a combination of both verbal and hands on cues.

Contemporary ballet technique that does not require a dance background as taught by Gene Marinaccio with a few extra variations. Find new integrity in movement and build strength using core connections with exercises or actions that focus on moving from the inside out. More stress is placed on finding and integrating these core connections than on how the actions are initially externally performed.
Private lessons can focus on whatever actions you would like to improve. Classes follow a ballet format and actions are performed on the floor, at the barre, and center floor.

Core Integrations
Discover integrity in motion
Learn to move with new freedom, strength and presence. Guided Movement, the GYROTONIC® Method and Marinaccio Technique are all tools that can be used to increase balance, strength, flexibility, and most importantly integrate core connections through an awareness that will allow you to consciously move with integrity, not just in the studio, but through life as well.
Explore, Refine and Improve How you Move
Learn the fundamentals of movement, and discover the natural order of your body. Break down movement to an infinitely smaller universe, and discover how to free up tension subtly without unnecessary force. Develop new intelligence, strength and refinement in every action, and bring beauty into movement, whether you want to take your dancing to the next level or improve your ability to perform in sports or daily activities.
All sessions and classes are suitable for all ages and levels of movers. Everyone is encouraged to start from wherever they genuinely are.