Celia Green


Celia is a lifelong lover of movement.  She began studying movement at the age of four, and throughout the years she never stopped exploring and studying new forms and disciplines.  In every method Celia loved to discover the many different ways she could play with gravity and move through different connections in her body.  She found working with core connections allowed her to move with great flexibility and strength, and also helped her with several disabling events over the years.  Using these connections, Celia was able to see every challenge as an opportunity to further her explorations and overcome with new integrity.

Celia danced professionally with a few local groups, most notably performing with Long Beach Opera in 1999. Though she consistently maintained a separate professional career, Celia always knew that she would eventually teach, and the majority of her spare time and resources were spent following her passion in movement and natural health. Celia started to work intermittently with private clients in 2010 and started teaching weekly classes when she formed Core Integrations in 2020.

In short, though Celia was blessed with many great teachers and mentors along her way, her three greatest influences are Gene Marinaccio, the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais via Mia Segal, and the GYROTONIC® Method.  They all share a common fundamental principal of moving from the inside out using core connections, and more importance is placed on the how than on the what.  Of all the methods Celia studied, she found them to be the most rewarding and is excited and honored to share them with others.




Having rehabilitated herself from several disabling events, Celia believes our bodies have an incredible natural ability to compensate and heal themselves.  Most of what is possible is limited by current perception.

Coming from a place of complete gratitude for whatever she is able to do each day, Celia wishes to inspire her students to look past their current state and assist them to reach beyond their current perceived limitations, to learn about themselves and discover richness in their lives by finding presence, integrity and beauty in every action.





History of Movement Studies